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EAN : 9780099539032
319 pages
Arrow Books (01/01/2010)
5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
In this urgent yet optimistic new work, Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai provides a unique perspective on the fate of Africa. Informed by her three decades as an environmental activist and campaigner for democracy, The Callenge for Africa celebrates the enduring potential of the human spirit, and reminds us that change is always possible.
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For thirty years, I have worked in the trenches with others to find the ways to break the wall that separates the peoples of Africa from justice, wealth, peace, and respect. We have searched for a route out of poverty, ignorance, ill health and early death, violations of basic rights, corruption, environmental degradation, and many other problems associated with Africa.
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Video de Wangari Maathai (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo

Portrait de Wangari Maathai, Prix Nobel de la Paix 2004
[Source : documentation France 3] le Prix Nobel de la Paix 2004 a été attribué à la militante écologique kenyane Wangari Maathai. Portrait de cette femme exceptionnelle qui fut ministre de l'environnement du Kenya et créa le Mouvement de la Ceinture Verte. Cette organisation a depuis planté 30 millions d'arbres dans toute l'Afrique. Sonore Wangari MAATHAI :"C'est incroyable....
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