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EAN : 9781440340765
144 pages
North Light Books (29/04/2016)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
No other medium is as magical and enjoyable as watercolor."

So says artist and author Michael Reardon. In Watercolor Techniques: Painting Light and Color in Landscapes and Cityscapes, Reardon covers it all, from answers to beginners' most vexing problems (What is the proper ratio of pigment and water? How do I lay down an even wash? Why do my paintings look so washed out?) to understanding the trifecta of perspective, value, and color. He shows how to... >Voir plus

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Hector le bouclier de Troie d'Hector Hugo.

Qui sont les parents d'Hector?

Ménélas et Hélène.
Priam et Hécube.
Pâris et Hélène.
Ulysse et Pénélope.

20 questions
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