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Da Capo Press (17/04/2003)

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Résumé :
"A biography as dramatic as any to come out of the pop field . . . told with sympathy and unflinching candor."--San Francisco Chronicle

In this intimate biography of the Prince of Soul, David Ritz provides a candid look at a star and a friend. Ritz had been collaborating with Gaye on his story for several years before the singer's tragic death, and had conducted a series of extraordinary interviews in which Gaye discussed his deepest secrets. Drawing... >Voir plus
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Amateure de musique soul & jazz depuis aussi longtemps que je me souvienne, c'est tout naturellement que je me suis intéressée à l'histoire de vie de Marvin Gaye dont la musique est à mes oreilles, purement extatique.
Je vais donc livrer une critique très personnelle de ma lecture...émotionnelle, assurément!

"Divided Soul" nous emmène à la rencontre des managers, des ingés sons, producteurs, avocats, musiciens, danseurs, et famille qui gravitaient autour de Marvin... David Ritz lui même n'est pas n'importe qui puisqu'il a co-écrit "Sexual Healing" et à rencontré régulièrement l'artiste qui souhait co-écrire avec lui son autobiographie. Bref, en plus d'être très bien écrit, ce livre offre un récit intime, introspectif et riche, donc, jamais simpliste. Une écriture toujours bienveillante, pleine de respect et de compassion pour un artiste complexe et hypersensible qui a énormément souffert.

La raison principale de ma lecture fut un besoin impérieux de répondre à cette question: comment un musicien aussi torturé a pu produire des morceaux comme "Piece of Clay", "What's Goin' On ?", "Inner City Blues", "Distant Lover" etc... bref une musique si harmonieuse, si pure, si émouvante, en un mot: "soulful"?
Ce livre offre une belle réponse; synthétisée à la dernière page :
"Marvin never recovered from being an abused and battered child. His talent wasn't enough to see him through. Because he never loved himself, he always felt unloved. Yet love broke through the barrier and infused his songs with something greater than passing pleasure: genuine joy. He had the rare courage to pour the pain of his troubled life into his art, and, as a result, his art was expanded and enriched. His creations, like prayers, were filled with a longing for love, not self-love, but far wiser, far larger love, a love that transcends ego and turns our hearts back to the source of art itself. Marvin's music - the sexual as well as the spiritural - is God-given, God-inspired, God-blessed.
'As an artist', he said, 'my purpose is to awaken the human spirit.'
Triumphantly, that purpose was met."
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Once Marvin was in the studio, he was cool. It was the one place, maybe the only place in the world, where he could really relax. Marvin was a master in the studio - creative, happy, loose, funny. And once Marvin got anywhere, he wouldn't want to leave. That was doubly true of the studio. He wasn't a performer. He'd never perform if it hadn't been for the money. In the truest sense, Marvin Gaye was a recording artist.
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"I can't see anything wrong with sex between consenting anybodies," he wrote. "I think we make far to much of it... SEX IS SEX and LOVE IS LOVE. When combined, they work well together, if two people are of about the same mind. But, they are really two discrete needs and should be treated as such... I don't believe in overly moralistic philosophies. Have your sex, it can be very exciting, if you're lucky."
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"I looked up the word 'schizophrenic' when I went into my withdrawal period in Detroit", Gaye told me. "Someone said the term applied to me, so I thought I better see what the books say about it. Schizophrenia is fascinating. It's not just having a split personality. It's a sickness that scrambles your feelings until you lose all emotional balance. That balance, especially in my case, is very delicate."
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"By the time I was ready to start high school," Marvin said, "things between me and Father turned from bad to worse. I'd reached physical maturity. Even though I'd grown taller and stronger than Father, he was still beating me. I wanted to strike back, but where I come from, even to raise your hand to your father is an invitation for him to kill you."
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"I wanted to forget everything he'd done to me as a child, but that wasn't possible. We just looked at each other. I think we were both afraid of what we might say. Father and I had special ways of hurting each other. If I could have spoken my heart, I'd have said, 'Please love me.'"
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