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EAN : 9780684827070
Touchstone book (01/01/1996)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit is a collection of Twenty-two essays on Native American life written by one of America's foremost literary voices. Discussing such disparate topics as the role of rocks in Native American culture and her own encounters with the U.S. Border Patrol, Leslie Marmon Silko weaves a narrative web of experience that provides a powerful portrait of Native Americans and the realities of their life in America today.
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There is no high meas edge or mountain peak where one can stand and not immediately be part of all that surrounds. Human Identity is linked with all the elements of creation through the clan ; you might belong to the Sun Clan or the Lizard Clan or the Corn Clan or the Clay Clan. Standing deep within the natrual world, the ancient Pueblo understood the thing as it was - the squash Blossom, grasshopper, or rabbit itself could never be created by the human hand.
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Dead or Alive ?

Harlan Coben

Alive (vivant)
Dead (mort)

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