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EAN : 9781444777642
384 pages
Hodder & Stoughton (13/06/2019)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Scotland, 1950s
Walter MacMillan is bewitched by the clever, glamorous Jean Thompson and can't believe his luck when she agrees to marry him. Neither can she, for Walter represents a steady and loving man who can perhaps quiet the demons inside her. Yet their home on remote Loch Doon soon becomes a prison for Jean and neither a young family, nor Walter's care, can seem to save her.

Many years later, Walter is with his adult children and adored ... >Voir plus
Que lire après The house by the LochVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Repéré dans les nouvelles parutions, il faut dire que ce roman avait tout pour me séduire : l'Écosse, les années 50, une saga familiale avec quelques secrets à déterrer, une très belle couverture, bref ça s'annonçait plutôt prometteur. Et j'ai passé un bon moment avec cette lecture même si quelques petits défauts sont venus entacher tout ça.

De nos jours, on fait la connaissance de la famille MacMillan : Il y a Walter, le grand-père, Patrick, le fils ainé marié et lui-même père de deux jeunes filles et puis Fiona, la cadette marié et mère de Pete. Tout ce petit monde se retrouve près du loch pour un week-end. Mais quand un drame survient, il réveille des vieux souvenirs qu'il ne fait pas bon de se rappeler. Parallèlement, on suit le fil des souvenirs de Walter et de sa rencontre avec son épouse Jean, leur mariage, leur installation, la naissance de leur enfant et son alcoolisme qui devient de plus en plus évident….

Comment ces deux fils conducteurs sont-ils reliés entre-deux et bien sans surprise a la moitié du roman, on a déjà deviné la fin ce qui est vraiment dommage. Plus de suspense mais heureusement cette famille n'en reste pas moins attachante. C'est plutôt bien écrit et je n'avais encore jamais lu Kirsty Wark, je retenterai peut-être l'expérience même si coté intrigue il m'a manqué quelque chose ici.
Lien : https://missmolko1.blogspot...
Commenter  J’apprécie          270

Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
They went to see High Noon, the film her colleagues were all talking account on account of their pash on Gary Cooper. They sat in the back of the packed art deco cinema in Burns Statue Square, cocooned in plush velvet seats, and watched the action through a haze of blue cigarette smoke which hung in the air like a special effect. ‘You’re much more handsome than Gary Cooper,’ Jean murmured in Walter’s ear.
He coloured in the dark and squeezed her hand. ‘And Grace Kelly’s got nothing on you.’ He put his arm around her shoulder and she placed a soft kiss on his neck like a promise.
Commenter  J’apprécie          90
He stopped suddenly, swivelled Jean towards him, and dropped down on one knee. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, she bent over him, cupped his face in her hands, and stopped him with a long deep kiss. ‘The answer is yes,’ she said with a laugh. ‘Yes, yes, yes!’
They sat at their favourite table at the rear of the Magic Lantern, exotic for the fact that it was the only French restaurant beyond Edinburgh, and because the clientele liberally smoked the Gauloises sold behind the bar. Atop the red-and-white checked tablecloth there was a small posy of flowers and a candelabra. ‘L’hymme à l’amour’ played on the gramophone. ‘You thought of everything, darling, murmured Jean as she sipped her red wine, ‘even my favourite Piaf.’
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Walter knew they were out of sight that he stopped and whirled Jean round to face him. ‘You were terrific, Jean, a natural. You commanded the stage!’
Jean blushed and smiled broadly. ‘You really think so? Well, I’ll tell you a secret: I forget everything when I’m on the stage. I’m a different person, really. I don’t mean the character I’m playing, I mean I feel… free.’ She stood back from him and he admired the way she looked: her primrose-patterned three-quarter-sleeved dress, its full skirt billowing gently, her orange-painted toenails peeping out like a row of petals from her brown sandals.
‘You look lovely,’ he said, ’like a perfect summer’s day.’
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She looked at him squarely. ‘You love it there, don’t you?’
Walter thought for a moment. ‘I can’t imagine being anywhere else, if that’s what you mean.’
Jean cupped his face in her hands. ‘I’m looking forward to seeing it. It sound very romantic living in a house by a loch.’
Commenter  J’apprécie          40

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