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Citations de MsKingBean89 (34)

"Yeah, that’s right. Odysseus gets into all sorts of trouble as he tries to get home to his wife, Penelope. But the sea god gets angry with him about something - can't remember what, but he destroys Odysseus’s ship, and he washes up on this island, where Calypso lives. She falls in love with him and holds him hostage for seven years.”

“What does she do to him?”

“Oh, I dunno. Feeds him, heals his wounds and stuff. I think she dances a lot.”

“She doesn’t sound too bad. She sounds kind.”

“Maybe. But she wants to make him immortal, and Odysseus wants to get back to Penelope. Calypso isn’t his true love.”

“Sort of sad.” Grant huffed, sounding put out.

“It’s just a story.” Remus shrugged.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
He reached over and stilled Sirius’s hands with his own, weaving their scarred bony fingers together. He caught his eye and smiled encouragingly. “You were always too much for me. I never minded.”

The look of relief which flooded Sirius’s face was worth every lost moment. It was an entire lifetime. He raised Remus’s hand to his lips, and gently kissed the inside of his palm.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
Remus leaned over to stub out his cigarette in the cold cup of tea on his nightstand. Sirius caught him at the hip and pulled him over. Remus closed his eyes and let himself be pulled.

---“Thank Godric I had the map, I would have gone to the libr--MERLIN’S BALLS!” The door flew open and Peter stood gaping in the doorway, clapping his hands to his eyes.

Remus leapt up from the bed as if Sirius was on fire, and began scrabbling about for his trousers on the floor, shouting,

“Sorry Pete, sorry Pete! Shit! Shit! Shit!”
“What the fuck?!” Peter shouted back, still covering his eyes.

Sirius yanked the duvet up, staring at them both, then burst out laughing,
"Wormy, we’ve got something to tell you.”
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
And in the death
As the last few corpses lay rotting on the slimy
The shutters lifted in inches in Temperance Building
High on Poacher's Hill
And red, mutant eyes gaze down on Hunger City
No more big wheels
Fleas the size of rats sucked on rats the size of cats
And ten thousand peoploids split into small tribes
Coverting the highest of the sterile skyscrapers
Like packs of dogs assaulting the glass fronts of Love-Me Avenue
Ripping and rewrapping mink and shiny silver fox, now legwarmers
Family badge of sapphire and cracked emerald
Any day now
The Year of the Diamond Dogs
This ain't Rock'n'Roll
This is Genocide

𝐹𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑, Bowie
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
Perhaps someone would want to keep him safe, for a change. Stranger things happened at sea.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
Sirius grew uncomfortable in the silence that followed. He didn’t understand Hope and Remus’s shared inability to say the important things; Sirius could never see why everyone didn’t just say what they felt as soon as they felt it. But he respected their privacy, and got up, ...
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
“Give me detention if you want!” He said, quickly.

McGonagall chuckled, shaking her head.

“No, I think I have just the thing. With Mr Lockhart out of commission, I believe we have a vacancy for quidditch commentator.”

Remus practically felt the colour drain out of his face. The woman was clearly an evil mastermind. Anything but that. Over McGonagall’s shoulder, Lily grinned.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
We all are, institutionalised kids.”


It was an enormous word coming from Grant, but it felt rude to say so. God, Remus thought to himself, when did I become such a snob?

“Yep, ‘pparently that’s what we are. The poet told me - ‘e was doing a course in psychology. Said I’m afraid to stay with one person too long ‘cos I was abandoned too much when I was small. Dumped him after that, obviously.”
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
“Which reply am I most looking forward to?” Remus quirked an eyebrow dryly, “You mean between my battle-wounded ex-teacher, my young-offender ex-boyfriend or the mother who abandoned me?”
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
“This ok?” Remus asked, as he slipped an arm around Sirius’s waist.

“Of course.” Sirius replied.

“We could just sleep…”

“Sonoro Quiescis.”

“Ah, ok…”

Well. It had been a while.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
“Um… I don’t know, I’ve told you everything.” Everything that wouldn’t hurt you, he added, silently.

“You haven’t,” Sirius said, his lips now against Remus’s, as he crawled on top of him, hands sliding up under Remus’s night shirt. He flicked his tongue along Remus’s bottom lip, “I’m going to know everything about you, one day, I promise.”

Remus kissed him deeply, believing every word.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
"Gerrof,” James snatched his hand back, ears turning bright red. “You can all stop making fun of me. Am I the only one taking this seriously?!”

“Hey!” Sirius smirked. Remus and Peter groaned in anticipation of what was coming, “I am always Sirius. ”
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
The patio doors rattled open, and Sirius strode in, hair still windswept from flying, nose and cheeks pink from the cold. He was smiling, smiling so wide that Remus’s heart skipped a beat, and he felt that old schoolboy crush resurface in him.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
He stared into space for a while, and for once Remus couldn’t guess what he was thinking. Sirius shook his head slowly, and said, “Harry Potter,” very low.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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BOULE DE SUIF et l'hypocrisie des autres

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Honoré de Balzac
Victor Hugo
Guy de Maupassant
Gustave Flaubert

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