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3.53/5 (sur 32 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Né(e) à : Sylhet, Bangladesh
Biographie :

Zia Haider Rahman s’est retrouvé, enfant, avec ses parents, dans des conditions de vie difficiles à Londres.

Élève plus que doué, il a obtenu des bourses qui lui ont permis de suivre des études à Balliol College à Oxford, à Munich et à l'Université Yale.

Il a travaillé à Wall Street dans une banque d'investissements avant de devenir un avocat international spécialisé dans la défense des droits de l'homme.

Grand lecteur, il s’est nourri de tous ces livres qui aident à vivre: Sebald, Conrad, Calvino, Melville, Thomas Mann, Dante, Somerset Maugham, et beaucoup d’autres dont les citations précieuses sont placées en exergue de chaque chapitre, comme ces petites pierres blanches qui nous font retrouver le chemin dans la forêt profonde.

"À la lumière de ce que nous savons" (In the Light of What We Know, 2014) est son premier roman.

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Zia Haider Rahman - À la lumière de ce que nous savons .
Zia Haider Rahman vous présente son ouvrage "À la lumière de ce que nous savons" aux éditions Bourgois. Retrouvez le livre : Notes de Musique : Free Music Archive. Visitez le site : Suivez la librairie mollat sur les réseaux sociaux : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram : Dailymotion : Vimeo : Pinterest : Tumblr : Soundcloud: Blogs :
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Citations et extraits (69) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
A wise man once said to me –a psychiatrist, but to say more would be to get ahead of myself –that I had placed too much faith in trying to understand her. I was trying to understand her because . . . well, because understanding is what we set so much store in, understanding others, ourselves, understanding the world; because of that, but also because understanding is a mode of control, it subdues the unruliness of people in one’s head, it brings order and confers control where it is most sought, in that theatre in the mind in which the avatars of people we know stand as actors, resisting direction.
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Zia Haider Rahman
I remember a joke about a mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer riding a train in Scotland. Looking out of the window, the engineer sees something that catches his eye. Look, he says, it’s a black sheep! It seems the sheep in Scotland are black. The physicist shakes his head. Nonsense, he says. All we know is that there are some black sheep in Scotland.The mathematician looks at his two friends, sighs, and with all earnestness observes: All we can say is that there is at least one sheep in Scotland, one side of which is black.
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Most human disputes, one might speculate, ask us to choose not between arguments proceeding from empirical observations about the world but between competing sets of bare assumptions.
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...cognitive load is when you give someone a task to occupy his cognitive functions and then ask him questions while he’s performing the task.It’s a way of getting past conscious censors.
(La charge cognitive est lorsqu'on donne à quelqu'un une tâche à accomplir, qui occupe ses fonctions cognitives et pendant son accomplissement on lui pose des questions.C'est une méthode pour supprimer les censeurs conscients.)
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It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. –William Blake
( Il est plus facile de pardonner un ennemi qu'un ami ).
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According to the science, it seems that during stress, groups of neurons known as amygdalae are engaged into activity. Associated with this is a spiked increase in the number of memories recorded by the brain in every tiny interval of time –in every instant, you might say. The sensation of how much time passed during an event is dependent on the number of memories associated with the event by the brain; the more memories, however instantaneous, the greater the length of time that is perceived to have passed. That is why we think time slowed down, when in fact we captured an album of photographs in the blink of an eye.
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Sometimes people carry to such perfection the mask they have assumed that in due course they actually become the person they seem. –W. Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence
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You know the joke? What do you call five hundred lawyers at the bottom of a lake?
I don’t know, he replied.
A good start.
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My father tells a story about Richard Feynman, who’d been dubbed the Great Explainer because of his talent for explaining theoretical physics. When a journalist asked him to describe in three minutes what he’d won the Nobel Prize for, Feynman replied that if he could explain it in three minutes, it wouldn’t be worth a Nobel Prize.
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I had a friend at Princeton, a Russian graduate student. He had a cute message on his answering machine, delivered in his thick Russian accent: Who are you and what do you want? Some people spend a lifetime trying to answer these questions. You, however, have thirty seconds.
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Un quiz plein d'étoiles (titres en littérature)

Quel écrivain, auteur de "Croc-Blanc", publie, en 1915, un roman fantastique intitulé "Le vagabond des étoiles" ?

Jack London
Romain Gary
Ernest Hemingway

10 questions
127 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature française , littérature américaine , bande dessinée , culture générale , poésie , étoile , littérature , livres , romanCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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