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Vidéos de Allan Gurganus (5)
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lormari26 mai 2012
Allan Gurganus reads his piece "Reassurance" at the NYS Summer Writers Institute, Skidmore College, July 6th, 2010.
lormari26 mai 2012
Author Allan Gurganus, sits down with What's Your Calling? to talk about what it takes to be an artist.
lormari26 mai 2012
Allan Gurganus is perhaps best known for his 1989 novel, "The Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All." He attended the Iowa Writers' workshop in the 1970s and studied with John Cheever. Since then, he's returned to give readings and teach master classes. Here's a short excerpt from his current project, "The Erotic History of a Southern Baptist Church."
lormari26 mai 2012
Author Allan Gurganus talks about North Carolina and its tradition of discourse and storytelling in remarks made after his induction into the NC Literary Hall of Fame. The ceremony took place at the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities in Southern Pines, North Carolina on October 17, 2010
lormari26 mai 2012
Allan Gurganus, an award-winning author and North Carolina native, reads at the Eastern North Carolina Literary Homecoming at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. 9/26/2009

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Jouons avec Meryl Streep

Ce film est l'un de ses premiers grands rôles après Voyage au bout de l'enfer. Tourné d'après le roman Le Droit du père d'Avery Corman, Kramer contre Kramer de Robert Benton, sorti en 1979, met en scène Meryl Streep contre:

Robert Redford
Dustin Hoffman
Richard Gere

8 questions
33 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : Actrices , hollywood , cinema , adapté au cinéma , adaptation , littérature , culture généraleCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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