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3.14/5 (sur 70 notes)

Nationalité : Australie
Biographie :

Auteure de romance née au Royaume-Uni, installée en Australie.

Carol Marinelli was born in England to Scottish parents, then emigrated to Australia, where there are loads of Scottish and English people who did exactly the same, so she’s very at home there.
She lives in the outer suburbs of Melbourne—pretty much in her car, driving her three children to their various commitments.
Carol writes for the Harlequin Presents and Medical lines and she also writes contemporary women's fiction (with a dark twist) under the name Tessa Bell.
When she's not writing she's reading, when she's not reading she's writing.
Source: Goodreads

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Bibliographie de Carol Marinelli   (118)Voir plus

Videos et interviews (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
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Get ready to heat things up this winter with bad boy heroes and the good girls who love them! In this video: Renegade by Chantal Fernando Maid for the Untamed Billionaire by Miranda Lee Taming Her Hollywood Playboy by Emily Forbes Secret Prince's Christmas Seduction by Carol Marinelli *** Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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Citations et extraits (10) Ajouter une citation
Il y avait un baiser dans l’air.
Impossible de le laisser passer sans le saisir au vol, décida-t-elle.
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“There is a gentleman here to see you.”
Kate knew, even before Jasmine said his name, just who was here to see her and she felt like correcting the receptionist.
Isaak Zaretsky was no gentleman.
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C’était un nouveau jour, un nouveau départ.
Un de plus.
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Même si elle se tenait à l’écart de presque toutes les activités sociales, je ne voyais qu’elle. Elle me fascinait un peu, je suppose, justement à cause de sa discrétion. A côté d’elle, avait l’impression d’être assis là depuis des heures, d’être vivant pour la première fois depuis bien longtemps.
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A new start.Another one.Walking along the beach, Ben Richardson was head down and too deep in thought to really notice the glorious pink sky over the smooth waters of Port Philip Bay. He had been accepted for a position as Emergency Register at Malbourne's Bay View Hospital and would be there in a couple of hours to start his first day, only there were no first-day jitters as he made his way along the beach - after all, he'd had plenty new starts before.
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There was an energized buzz in the emergency stafroom as James Morrell walked in with a long overdue mug of coffee in hand, and took a seat. A buzz that came from too much adrenaline and too many people talking at the sama time...A serious crash on the entrance ramp to the M1 motorway had transformed an already busy friday afernoon into a chaotic one.
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Lorsque James Morrell entra dans la salle du personnel, une tasse de café à la main, et put enfin s'asseoir, le brouhaha était à son comble. Trop d'adrénaline, trop de gens qui parlaient en même temps...Un grave accident sur la bretelle d'entrée de l'autoroute M1 avait transformé ce vendredi après-midi déjà très chargé en véritable chaos.
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Déjà un siècle pour ces romans !

Qui a écrit La Prisonnière ?

Agatha Christie
Marcel Proust
Raymond Radiguet
P.G. Wodehouse

8 questions
39 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature anglaise , romans policiers et polars , écrivain , littérature française , classiqueCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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