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EAN : 9781426850882
Harlequin (01/01/2009)
2/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Every emergency doctor dreaded recognising someone in Casualty – even cool-headed consultant James Morrell. But he was doubly shocked when the unconscious patient he was asked to treat was instantly familiar. It was his ex-wife!

Dr Lorna McClelland hated being ill, hated being stuck in a hospital bed, but above all she hated having to rely on James. Then, as she recovered, all the wonderful things about their marriage came flooding back…

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Que lire après Emergency : wife lost and foundVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
J'avoue que cette relecture en version originale m'a davantage plu que la première lecture du roman que j'avais faite en français. La faute à la traduction qui ne rendait pas justice au texte original ou à mon anglais, loin d'être excellent, qui laisse planer un certain flou gommant les maladresses de style ? En tout cas, malgré de nombreux clichés et beaucoup, beaucoup de grands sentiments, cette petite romance sans surprise se laisse lire sans déplaisir.
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Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
There was an energized buzz in the emergency stafroom as James Morrell walked in with a long overdue mug of coffee in hand, and took a seat. A buzz that came from too much adrenaline and too many people talking at the sama time...A serious crash on the entrance ramp to the M1 motorway had transformed an already busy friday afernoon into a chaotic one.
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Video de Carol Marinelli (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Carol Marinelli
Get ready to heat things up this winter with bad boy heroes and the good girls who love them!
In this video:
Renegade by Chantal Fernando
Maid for the Untamed Billionaire by Miranda Lee
Taming Her Hollywood Playboy by Emily Forbes
Secret Prince's Christmas Seduction by Carol Marinelli
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Les Amants de la Littérature

Grâce à Shakespeare, ils sont certainement les plus célèbres, les plus appréciés et les plus ancrés dans les mémoires depuis des siècles...

Hercule Poirot & Miss Marple
Pyrame & Thisbé
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10 questions
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