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Vidéos de Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (12)
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videos09 août 2023
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz est philosophe et historien des sciences, enseignant dans les Universités de Paris, de Bordeaux et de Picardie ; il est Professeur émérite depuis novembre 2019. Après des études de lettres classiques, de philosophie et de mathématiques à l'ENS Ulm, il obtient un DEA Logique Epistémologie en 1979, ainsi qu'un DEA de Mathématiques pures en 1988. Il consacre son Doctorat d'Etat à l'histoire de la cosmologie, et notamment à l'oeuvre de Nicolas Copernic. de 2004 à 2018, il est membre du CNU (Conseil National des Universités) et dirige le département HPS (Histoire, Philosophie, Sociologie des sciences) à l'Université Paris Diderot. Il est l'auteur de plusieurs ouvrages dont Copernic et la révolution copernicienne (GF, 1998), le concept de preuve à la lumière de l'IA (PUF, 1999) et La Terre immobile (PUF, 2003) ; il a aussi co-dirigé le collectif On the Steps of Galois (Hermann, 2014). le Grand Prix de l'Académie des Sciences lui est attribué en 2015.

Conférence : Parler de corrélations non locales est-ce parler d'une forme d'existence du hasard ?
Samedi 3 juillet 2021, Cnam Paris.

Selon Nicolas Gisin, il existe un hasard réel, un « vrai » hasard qui est différent du hasard classique que d'aucuns ont mis en doute. Ce hasard objectif, « vrai », est lié à d'autres concepts et théories. Il implique l'existence de corrélations non locales, de coordination à distance (qui n'est pas communication). Dans cet exposé seront reprises les célèbres inégalités de Bell ainsi que d'autres notions, comme celles de non-localité et de « tout non local ». de là l'idée de base de la mécanique quantique, celle « d'intrication » sur laquelle les physiciens travaillent depuis une trentaine d'années. Toutes ces notions seront mises auparavant en relation avec leur pendant classique et certaines de leurs implications dans l'histoire de la philosophie. Cette notion d'intrication est elle-même liée à d'autres notions bien connues. Dans cet exposé, sera abordé celle de non–localité quantique avec celle de la description de corrélations provenant de l'intrication qui est décrite comme une sorte d'onde qui se propage dans un espace de configuration. Cette conception implique-t-elle un univers non déterministe dont la représentation mathématique est celle que nous fournissent les mathématiques intuitionnistes ?
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videos02 juin 2023
Stefano Osnaghi – Archives Husserl, ENS, Paris

The Oxford Handbook - Département de physique Université Paris Cité
- Universidade Federal da Bahia
- APC, present
two days of history and epistemology of the foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

On the occasion of the publication of
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Quantum Interpretations. Nearly a century after its formulation and despite its unprecedented predictive successes in accounting for physical processes, quantum mechanics is still at the center of a lively debate.In the same spirit as The Oxford handbook of the history of Quantum Interpretations, the two days offer a historical overview of the contrasts that have been at the heart of quantum physics over the past 100 years. Drawing on the extensive expertise of several lecturers working in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. Thus, the objective of these two days is to fuel the ongoing debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics by dealing with the major open questions concerning the interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.

April 14 and 15, 2023
- Université Paris Diderot
- France

Organizing Committee :
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz, Olival Freire, Joseph Kouneiher et Michel Paty
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videos29 mai 2023
Christian Joas – Historian and Philosopher of Science – University of Copenhagen

The Oxford Handbook - Département de physique Université Paris Cité
- Universidade Federal da Bahia
- APC, present
two days of history and epistemology of the foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

On the occasion of the publication of
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Quantum Interpretations. Nearly a century after its formulation and despite its unprecedented predictive successes in accounting for physical processes, quantum mechanics is still at the center of a lively debate.In the same spirit as The Oxford handbook of the history of Quantum Interpretations, the two days offer a historical overview of the contrasts that have been at the heart of quantum physics over the past 100 years. Drawing on the extensive expertise of several lecturers working in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. Thus, the objective of these two days is to fuel the ongoing debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics by dealing with the major open questions concerning the interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.

April 14 and 15, 2023
- Université Paris Diderot
- France

Organizing Committee :
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz, Olival Freire, Joseph Kouneiher et Michel Paty
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videos23 mai 2023
Thomas Ryckman – Professor of Philosophy – Stanford University

The Oxford Handbook - Département de physique Université Paris Cité
- Universidade Federal da Bahia
- APC, present
two days of history and epistemology of the foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

On the occasion of the publication of
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Quantum Interpretations. Nearly a century after its formulation and despite its unprecedented predictive successes in accounting for physical processes, quantum mechanics is still at the center of a lively debate.In the same spirit as The Oxford handbook of the history of Quantum Interpretations, the two days offer a historical overview of the contrasts that have been at the heart of quantum physics over the past 100 years. Drawing on the extensive expertise of several lecturers working in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. Thus, the objective of these two days is to fuel the ongoing debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics by dealing with the major open questions concerning the interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.

April 14 and 15, 2023
- Université Paris Diderot
- France

Organizing Committee :
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz, Olival Freire, Joseph Kouneiher et Michel Paty
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videos08 mai 2023
Alexei Grinbaum – Physicist and philosopher – CEA-Saclay/Larsim, France

The Oxford Handbook - Département de physique Université Paris Cité
- Universidade Federal da Bahia
- APC, present
two days of history and epistemology of the foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

On the occasion of the publication of
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Quantum Interpretations. Nearly a century after its formulation and despite its unprecedented predictive successes in accounting for physical processes, quantum mechanics is still at the center of a lively debate.In the same spirit as The Oxford handbook of the history of Quantum Interpretations, the two days offer a historical overview of the contrasts that have been at the heart of quantum physics over the past 100 years. Drawing on the extensive expertise of several lecturers working in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. Thus, the objective of these two days is to fuel the ongoing debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics by dealing with the major open questions concerning the interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.

April 14 and 15, 2023
- Université Paris Diderot
- France

Organizing Committee :
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz, Olival Freire, Joseph Kouneiher et Michel Paty
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videos03 mai 2023
Daniela Monaldi – Historian of science – York University

The Oxford Handbook - Département de physique Université Paris Cité
- Universidade Federal da Bahia
- APC, present
two days of history and epistemology of the foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

On the occasion of the publication of
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Quantum Interpretations. Nearly a century after its formulation and despite its unprecedented predictive successes in accounting for physical processes, quantum mechanics is still at the center of a lively debate.In the same spirit as The Oxford handbook of the history of Quantum Interpretations, the two days offer a historical overview of the contrasts that have been at the heart of quantum physics over the past 100 years. Drawing on the extensive expertise of several lecturers working in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. Thus, the objective of these two days is to fuel the ongoing debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics by dealing with the major open questions concerning the interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.

April 14 and 15, 2023
- Université Paris Diderot
- France

Organizing Committee :
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz, Olival Freire, Joseph Kouneiher et Michel Paty
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videos30 avril 2023
David Kaiser – Historian of science – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Oxford Handbook - Département de physique Université Paris Cité
- Universidade Federal da Bahia
- APC, present
two days of history and epistemology of the foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

On the occasion of the publication of
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Quantum Interpretations. Nearly a century after its formulation and despite its unprecedented predictive successes in accounting for physical processes, quantum mechanics is still at the center of a lively debate.In the same spirit as The Oxford handbook of the history of Quantum Interpretations, the two days offer a historical overview of the contrasts that have been at the heart of quantum physics over the past 100 years. Drawing on the extensive expertise of several lecturers working in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. Thus, the objective of these two days is to fuel the ongoing debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics by dealing with the major open questions concerning the interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.

April 14 and 15, 2023
- Université Paris Diderot
- France

Organizing Committee :
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz, Olival Freire, Joseph Kouneiher et Michel Paty
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L'étrange cas du dr Jekyll et mr Hyde

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