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Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc [corriger]

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Dernières critiques
Système 1 / Système 2 : Les deux vitesses de la..

This essay delves into the two cognitive systems that govern human decision-making, which Kahneman refers to as Systems 1 and System 2. System 1 operates automatically and quickly, relying on intuition and heuristics, simplified with the acronym WYSIATI… What You See Is All There Is. System 2 is more deliberate and analytical, necessitating effort and conscious thought, and is also characterized by a high level of laziness. Kahneman discusses various cognitive biases and heuristics that influence our judgments and decisions, often leading to errors in reasoning. He covers topics such as prospect theory, anchoring effects, overconfidence, and the framing of decisions. Through a multitude of examples, Kahneman provides valuable insights into the functioning of our minds and how to become more aware of the biases that affect us, as there is no means of preventing them. It is a challenging book to read, but it is eye-opening. Daniel Kahneman, who received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research, died whilst I was reading his book. Rest in Peace.
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