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EAN : 9780062952080
400 pages
Avon (16/11/2021)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
USA Today bestselling author Jenny Holiday follows A Princess for Christmas with another delightful contemporary Christmas romance, set in the heart of New York City, about a playboy baron and a woman who has said goodbye to love.

There’s a royal wedding on, and things are about to get interesting.

Meet the man of honor

Maximillian von Hansburg, Baron of Laudon and heir to the Duke of Aquilla, is not having a merr... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
'Of course I’m afraid. I’d be an idiot not to be. But ultimately, you have to ask yourself—and I’m talking about you, not the proverbial you—is that feat worth more to you than what’s potentially on the other side of it?'
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'[…] to be a guilty pleasure.'
'Whoever came up with the notion that one should feel guilty about things that bring one pleasure should be shot.'
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Video de Jenny Holiday (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Jenny Holiday
Forever GALentine's with Farah Heron, Jenny Holiday, Farrah Rochon; Moderated by Kini Allen
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Les Amants de la Littérature

Grâce à Shakespeare, ils sont certainement les plus célèbres, les plus appréciés et les plus ancrés dans les mémoires depuis des siècles...

Hercule Poirot & Miss Marple
Pyrame & Thisbé
Roméo & Juliette
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson

10 questions
5276 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : amants , amour , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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