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Giuseppe Rava (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781472810892
48 pages
Osprey Publishing (UK) (20/01/2016)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The Roman Empire was not only built by the strength of the legions but also by a navy that was the most powerful maritime force ever to have existed. It was the presence of this fleet that secured the trade routes and maintained the communications within the huge Empire. The superior design of their warships, coupled with skilled naval commanders such as Agrippa, Sextus Pompeius and Pontus Euxinus, gave the Roman Empire a formidable navy that could defend the coasts... >Voir plus
Que lire après Imperial Roman Warships 27 BC–193 ADVoir plus
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This powerful navy allowed the Empire to maintain naval supremacy throughout Europe, North Africa and Western Asia for the first two centuries of its existence. Therefore Imperial Rome poured a great deal of manpower, money and resources into its navies, perfecting the use of warships not only at sea, but also on the great rivers of Europe. This meant that large quantities of soldiers, goods and materials could be transported by river, which was fundamental to the success of the great military operations in Germania and Dacia. As correctly noted by Pitassi, water was one of the key elements that decided how the Empire would grow and expand.
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