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EAN : 9780859914970
128 pages
D.S. Brewer (01/01/1978)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Delightful, oft-reprinted guide to the foliate heads so common in medieval sculpture. This was the first-ever monograph dedicated to the Green Man.
The Green Man, the image of the foliate head or the head of a man sprouting leaves, is probably the most common of all motifs in medieval sculpture. Nevertheless, the significance of the image lay largely unregarded until KathleenBasford published this book - the first monograph of the Green Man in any language -a... >Voir plus
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Adieu Paul, maudit mardi 30 avril 2024

Certains esprits chagrins m'avaient mis en garde, le titre de ce roman disaient-ils constitue le déclenchement d'un compte à rebours dont nous connaissons tous l'issue ...???....


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