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EAN : 9798631156395
628 pages
Kindle (31/03/2020)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Sutton Spencer’s ideas for her life were fairly simple: finish graduate school and fall in love. It would be a lot simpler if she could pinpoint exactly what she should do when she graduates in less than a year. Oh, and if she could figure out how to talk to a woman without feeling completely hopeless, that would be great too.

Charlotte Thompson is very much the opposite. She's always had clear steps outlining her path to success with no time or incli... >Voir plus

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Qui a écrit ces thrillers ?

Code 93 ?

Camilla Läckberg
Olivier Norek
Bernard Minier
Franck Thilliez

15 questions
215 lecteurs ont répondu
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