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EAN : 9781600595875
256 pages
Lark Crafts (03/03/2011)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Bookmaking is more popular than ever and this book makes the craft available to everyone. Beginners will soon be on their way to folding, gluing and sewing handmade books in a variety of styles. This title includes photographs of the author's own books; this collection is sure to inspire. In the digital world, books may seem like an endangered species, but bookmaking is more popular than ever. Thanks to the 100 ideas in this volume, the craft is now available to eve... >Voir plus

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La peau de Chagrin

Comment se nomme le personnage principal?

Valentin de Raphaël
Benjamin De Villecourt
Raphaël de Valentin

20 questions
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