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Citations sur Petals in the ashes (2)

"So you just go into the back of the cabinet?" Anne said, looking affronted. "There is no magic to it at all?"
He shook his head. "I'm afraid not."
She sighed heavily. "It is too bad to think there's no magic in the world."
"There is magic." Tom's eyes caught mine and locked with them. "For those who are lucky. But it is not a matter of cabinets and disappearing monks."
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True to her word, Nelly did return for the violets and gave us tickets for the theatre, and Anne and I were both monstrous excited at the thought of going, in spite of Mr Newbery telling us that he would not attend a theatre for a king's ransom. " They are nasty, crowded places and breeding grounds for all sorts of diseases," he said.
" Then are not taverns those things, too?" I asked nicely, for Mr Newbery was exceedingly fond of alehouses and was often brought home hung about the shoulders of the night watchman. He did not reply to this.
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    Dans quelle rue de Londres vit Sherlock Holmes, le célèbre détective ?

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