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EAN : 9780194625340
96 pages
Oxford University Press (01/02/2018)
3.5/5   1 notes
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It's a story about a boy, his name is Finn, who doesn't like his life. His brother Adam and his parents are emotionless; they behave unnaturally. Ellie is his friend. One day, she asked Finn to accompany her and enter an abandoned house. They need to go at night .It It is prohibited to go, they need to go at night, and they need to know the code to exit at night. Finally, They succeeded in going there. The following day, his friend didn't come, and the following days she didn't come back. He is convinced that there is a problem and he needs to leave the city where he has to find her. The night he goes to leave, but Adam calls him to say something. Finn explains to Finn that they are in a robot society. At this moment, they decide to leave together. Along the way Adam explains to Finn that he is a robot too and his work is to rebel against humans in a human city.
On February 1, 2018, Julil Reeves wrote this book.
This book is a good read because it's fictitious and once you start reading it, you can't stop. Additionally, it's simple to read
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'Time for what ? To lead me into a trap'.
'A trap? What are you talking about? Did you not believe anything I said about our parents being androids?'
'Yes, I believed you, but it's the rest of the truth I'm interested in now. Isn't it strange that you failed to mention that your are an androids, too!'
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