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Critique de LibertyBojangles

Castle Rock, Maine, 1960. Gordie LaChance and his three friends hang out in this hot summer, waiting for the school year to start. Not far from where they live, a boy their age, 12 years old, has disappeared. The eldest brother of one of these boys has seen this child's body, dead, near the railway tracks. The four friends decide to go on an excursion to find this body. When they finally get there, they will have to confront the older, tougher boys of their town, as suddenly, everyone wants to claim having found this dead boy. I was a little afraid of reading Stephen King because I had nightmares after reading “Shining,” but this one was not spooky. An ordinary story of ordinary boys in a little town lost in the middle of the US. A story about finding one's place in a society that condemns quickly those that don't walk straight.
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