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Citations sur Beautiful Disaster (110)

« I don't say you're a bad person. I just don't like being a foregone conclusion for the sole reason of having a vagina. »
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
« So what's your story Pidge ? Are you a man-hater in general, or do you just hate me ? »
« I think it's just you. » I grumbled.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
I didn't know how most girls felt around him, but I'd seen how they behaved. I was experiencing more of a disoriented, nauseated feeling than giggly infatuation, and the harder he worked to make me smile, the more unsettled I felt.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
The more he smiled, the more I wanted to hate him, and yet it was the very thing that made hating him impossible.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
- "You're not her type."
- "I'm everyone's type !"
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
I didn't like the way it made me feel when he was so close. I didn't want to be like the scores of other girls at Easter, that blused in his presence. I didn't want him to affect me in that way at all.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
Travis smiled at me in what I assumed was his most charming expression. He oozed sex and rebelliousness with his buzzed brown hair and tattooed forearms, and I rolled my eyes at his attempt to lure me in.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
“I clinked my bottle against his. “To being the only girl a
guy with no standards doesn’t want to sleep with.” I said,
taking a swig.
“Are you serious?” he asked, pulling the bottle from my
mouth. When I didn’t recant, he leaned toward me. “First of
all…I have standards. I’ve never been with an ugly woman.
Ever. Second of all, I wanted to sleep with you. I thought
about throwing you over my couch fifty different ways, but I
haven’t because I don’t see you that way anymore. It’s not
that I’m not attracted to you, I just think you’re better than
I couldn’t hold back the smug smile that crept across my
face. “You think I’m too good for you.”
He sneered at my second insult. “I can’t think of a single
guy I know that’s good enough for you.”
Commenter  J’apprécie          30
“To douchebags!" he said, gesturing to Brad. "And to girls that break your heart," he bowed his head to me. His eyes lost focus. "And to the absolute fucking horror of losing your best friend because you were stupid enough to fall in love with her.”
Commenter  J’apprécie          80
I knew the second I met you
that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it
wasn't something about you at all. It was just you.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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