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EAN : 9780262037990
151 pages
MIT PRESS (01/10/2018)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
An engaging and unabashedly opinionated examination of what translation is and isn't.
For some, translation is the poor cousin of literature, a necessary evil if not an outright travesty—summed up by the old Italian play on words, traduttore, traditore (translator, traitor). For others, translation is the royal road to cross-cultural understanding and literary enrichment. In this nuanced and provocative study, Mark Polizzotti attempts to reframe the debate al... >Voir plus

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Matin brun, Franck PAVLOFF

Quelle est la nouvelle couleur réglementaire pour les animaux domestiques ?

Le brun
Le marron
Le beige

10 questions
263 lecteurs ont répondu
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