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438 pages
Arcato Publishing (26/08/2013)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Sang Sorenson is forced to suffer through another of her mother’s extreme punishments. It almost kills her. The Academy boys vow it will be the last. They're determined to keep Sang safe, especially from her own family. Their solution: complete invasion of her life. Kota, Luke, Silas, Nathan, Victor, Gabriel and North do everything within their power to show Sang what true loyalty means. It takes more than blood to make a family and they want Sang in theirs. In this... >Voir plus

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Quel est le vrai nom de Yukio Mishima ?

Yukio Mishima évidement !
Kenji Matsuda
Kimitake Hiraoka
Yasunari Kawabata

15 questions
98 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Yukio MishimaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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