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EAN : 9780373696475
224 pages
Harlequin (01/01/2012)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In a tiny bayou town with far too many wicked secrets, the sudden disappearance of a six-year-old girl is a mystery Sheriff Holt Chamberlain is determined to solve. But teaming up with Alexandria Bastin is a complication he didn't expect. Nor is he prepared to collide with the dark side of Cajun culture-and his own troubled past.

The frantic search leads them to a place said to hold magic, an eerie island where Alex is also working her charm on him. A... >Voir plus
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Que lire après The ReckoningVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Les histoires de détective de Jana Deleon comptent une part de superstitions locales liées aux bayous où elle a grandi. le mystère n'en est que plus intense. Ce quatrième roman de la série « Mystere Parish » ne m'a pas déçu; comme toujours, l'écriture est rigoureuse sans être dépourvue de fantaisie. Lorsque j'ai terminé ma lecture, j'étais très contente d'avoir déjà en mains le roman suivant : The Vanishing.
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Citations et extraits (7) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Alex pushed her shopping cart down the aisle of the Vodoun Sack-a-lot, trying to concentrate on buying food for Sarah’s house. So far, she’d picked up a tube of toothpaste, a bottle of cooking oil and matches. As long as they wanted to have a good breath while setting the house on fire, they were set.
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She opened her purse and took out a prescription for antianxiety medication (…) Ever since Sarah’s split with Bobby, she’d had trouble sleeping and concentrating. The meds took the edge off and allowed her to act normal even though she didn’t feel normal.
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There’s only three types of people who don’t leave a trace on internet—those who live as hermits, those who intentionally live off-radar or those who started as one person and are now masquerading as another.
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“I had a run-in with Lorraine in the supermarket, and Holt interrupted right about when I was going to clock her—“
“That man’s always had horrible timing.”
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Bobby’s affair didn’t make Sarah stop loving him. She couldn’t trust him any longer, and without trust, she felt there was no marriage.
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Quand les aliments portent des noms insolites ou pas...

Les cheveux d'ange se mangent-ils ?


10 questions
157 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : nourriture , fruits et légumes , fromages , manger , bizarreCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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