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EAN : 9781595543417
243 pages
4/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Kevin Parson is alone in his car when his cell phone rings. A man calling himself Slater offers a deadly ultimatum: You have exactly three minutes to confess your sin to the world. Refuse, and the car you're driving will blow sky high. Then the phone goes dead.
Kevin panics. Who would make such a demand? What sin? Yet not sure what else to do, Kevin swerves into a parking lot and runs from his car. Just in case.
Precisely three minutes later, a m... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
This book really grabs you from the start! «Three minutes to divulge your sins to the press and figure out a riddle or I blow up your car». Wow! And that's just the beginning of a cat and mouse game that escalates and a journey into a past that our "hero" wishes not to revisit...I'm on the edge of my seat and can't wait to read the end....
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Marvel test I - Les grands héros

Quelle super héros peut s'enflammer sur commande ?

le punisher
la torche humaine

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