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Outlander : Volumes uniques tome 7 sur 8
EAN : 9780440245681
Random House (24/05/2011)
4.4/5   25 notes
Résumé :
An Echo in the Bone Gabaldon delivers the enormously anticipated seventh volume in her bestselling and award-winning Outlander saga, continuing the extraordinary story of the 18th-century Scotsman Jamie Fraser and his 20th-century time-traveling wife, Claire Randall. Full description
Que lire après Outlander, tome 7 : L'écho des coeurs lointainsVoir plus
Les Rokesby - Intégrale par Quinn

Les Rokesby

Julia Quinn

4.14★ (1586)

5 tomes

Book Lovers par Henry

Book Lovers

Emily Henry

3.98★ (313)

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“For a long time," he said at last, "when I was small, I pretended to myself that I was the bastard of some great man. All orphans do this, I think," he added dispassionately."It makes life easier to bear, to pretend that it will not always be as it is, that someone will come and restore you to your rightful place in the world."
He shrugged.
"Then I grew older, and knew that this was not true. No one would come to rescue me. But then-" he turned his head and gave Jamie a smile of surpassing sweetness.
"Then I grew older still, and discovered that after all, it was true. I am the son of a great man."
The hook touched Jamie's hand, hard and capable.
"I wish for nothing more.”
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Vidéo de Diana Gabaldon
OUTLANDER | Bande annonce OFFICIELLE de la saison 6
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Comment est baptisée la petite fille que Claire met au monde à Paris ?


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138 lecteurs ont répondu
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