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EAN : 9780008259709
304 pages
Harper Collins (21/09/2017)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The second tie-in to ITV drama Victoria unveils the complex, passionate relationship of Victoria and Albert.

What happened after the Queen married her handsome prince? Did they live happily ever after, or did their marriage, like so many royal marriages past and present fizzle into a loveless bond of duty? Victoria and Albert were the royal couple that broke the mould – it may have been an arranged match, yet their union was a passionate, tempestuous ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Victoria & Albert : a royal love affairVoir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
When Victoria came to the throne on 20 June 1837, the British royal family was not popular. The House of Hanover, of which she was the sixth successive monarch, was viewed as foreign and corrupt. There hadn't been a woman on the throne for more than a century - not since the death of Queen Anne in 1714- and many questioned whether a woman as young as Victoria could do the job.
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Their genius as a couple was not just to have one of the most successfull royal marriages ever, but to reinvent the British monarchy as a cosy incarnation of domestic bliss that everyone could aspire to.
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