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Les Simpson tome 24 sur 45
EAN : 9782822204200
48 pages
Jungle ! (30/04/2014)
2.97/5   15 notes
Résumé :
Toute une histoire ces Simpson ! En 1987, Matt Groening créé les célèbres personnages tout jaunes, et deux ans plus tard, quand la Fox diffuse le dessin animé « The Simpson »s en première partie de soirée, les aventures de la famille la plus déjantée d’Amérique, sont suivies dans le monde entier. En 1993, leur « papa » fonde la maison d’édition Bongo Comics Group dont nous vous présentons les aventures dessinées dans de très beaux albums aussi sympathiques et coloré... >Voir plus
Que lire après Les Simpson à la paradeVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (4) Ajouter une critique
This is the first time that I read a book from the Simpsons' series but I watched the show on T.V. The story is about politicians in the USA and I think it's a critic of American politicians. The text is a bit complicated but pictures help to understand what the book is talking about. Here, Lisa says it isn't fair that citizens are not allowed to listen to the politicians' program because these politicians will represent the people. In this book, there are many different stories. Some of them are easier to understand than others.

Homey Alone: It's a very short story which tells a story when Homer was a child. He was sick and he wasn't allowed to move from his bed. His father went to the supermarket and he let Homer alone at home, so he ate what he want. He watched TV and money was offered to catch a criminal, so he put a trap and he fell into it.

The unbearable lightness of Barney : Homer says there's nothing happening in the bar of Moe. Barney who has a drink says they can build skyscrapers, bridges and then he falls asleep. This story is very short and easy to understand. It's funny too.

Marge attacks: In this story, Marge is fed up with the TV program, so the Mayor Quimby animates a TV show with her. Finally, Quimby betrays Marge, which puts an end to the show. This story is more difficult than the other ones to understand, and a bit more long too.

Dinner violation: This short story tell us about an ordinary day in the life of Lou and Eddy. They go to the fast-food and they don't go to work. There is not much text compared to the other stories.

Game called because of pain: In this cartoon of Itchy and Scratchy, Itchy killed Scratchy. There is no text, just pictures. It's easy to understand and very short too.

Get off the bus! For this story, Tahiti Bob should repair Otto's school bus and he make a trap to kill Bart who's not allowed to go to the school trip. Bart was in the office and he heard that the bus contained a bomb, and that if they drive over 55 miles per hour, the bomb would explose. Bart take the bus. Otto fell asleep so Lisa drove. They go over 55 miles per hour and now, they can't go under it so they cross the town. Otto wakes up and save all the kids. Tahiti Bob take the trap in the face. This story is more funny than the others and I like it, even if it's a bit long!

Tales of Briny Deep: Bart and Marge went to the restaurant “The frying Dutchman.” Captain Macallister makes a mistake and serve the wrong menu to Marge. He begins to tell how he lost his leg in a extraordinary story but at the end, Bart saw he had a normal leg.

They fixed Homer's brain! It's my favourite story of the book. Homer break Lisa's saxophone. She cry so he decide to buy another one. So, in order to get $500, Homer accept to do an experience to become intelligent. But 7 days after, he must have an operation to stay smart. But Lisa refuses her dad had surgery because she prefer him when he was dumb.

I find this comic really good but it is a bit complicate. Pictures has a great role to understand stories. I like the fact that there are several stories in the book. It isn't boring to read. I liked to read it because it's funny and we find lots of expressions from the series. But I still prefer to watch The Simpsons on TV because it's more attractive.

Commenter  J’apprécie          40
Do you know the yellow people of Springfield ?
My book was written by Matt Groening. I read "Simpsons on Parade". In this comic strip, there are nine little stories.
My favourite character is Homer Simpsons because he is very crazy, funny and dumb. The characters don't look real because they are yellow. There is no particular suspens. This book is for young people, teenagers and fans. I really like this book because the stories are very fantastic and comic. I appreciate all of the book. If I can give a rating for the book, I give 16/20.
Commenter  J’apprécie          31
En 2000, le prix Will Eisner de la meilleure publication jeunesse a été décernée aux Simpson Comics (Simpsons Comics 27 a été publié en décembre 1996). Bien sûr, je n'ai pas apprécié toutes les histoires dans ce recueil, tout comme je n'apprécie pas tous les épisodes. J'ai dû rendre la BD à la bibliothèque au moment de la critique et je dois vous dire que je ne me souviens plus de Les clowns sont lâchés. Comme dans le dessin animé, les dessins sont superbes et j'ai aimé que Bart sauve à nous ses camarades dans le bus en folie d'une façon bien singulière. J'ai également apprécié de voir Homer dans sa jeunesse et ai aimé la mentalité qui se trouvait dans Show devant et On a réparé le cerveau de Homer. Bref, ce n'est pas une lecture excellente, mais bien une lecture de détente, avec quelques blagues bien placées; c'est ce à quoi je m'attendais de Matt Groening!
Lien : http://paysdecoeuretpassions..
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
La couverture est belle mais je n'aime pas trop les histoires à l'intèrieur.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Hé, vous avec la barbe du colonel SANDES ! combien coûte un "Saxophone baryton selmer en si bémol homer a des aoûtats"?
Commenter  J’apprécie          30

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Vidéo de Matt Groening
Les Simpson Horror Show 1
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