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EAN : 9780553247435
Bantam (01/01/2005)

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Résumé :
I found the old man as he lay dying in a niche of rock near the spring, his body riddled with bullets. His eyes rested on mine as I went down on my knees beside him. "You", he gasped. "I leave all I have to you. Matt Brennan. Never to sell - never to giveup !" So I had been given a ranch, but I had lost a friend. For the first time in my life I really wanted to kill, wanted it so much that my hands shook…

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I rode down from the high blue hills and across the brush flats into Hattan's Point, a raw bit of spawning hell scattered hit or miss along the rocky slope of a rust-topped mesa.
This was the country for a man, a big country to grow in, a coutry where every man stood on his own feet adn the wealth of a new land was his for the taking.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
Ah, it's a grand feeling to be yound and tough, with a heart full of hell, strong muscles, and quick hands! And the feeling that somewhere in the town ahead there's a man who would like to cut you down to size with hands or gun.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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Les personnages de Lucky Luke

Je suis le personnage secondaire "réel" le plus présent dans la série et je fais ma première apparition dans l'album "Hors-la-loi". Dès ma deuxième apparition, dans "Lucky Luke contre Joss Jamon", je prends les traits d'un jeune bandit coléreux, petit, nez retroussé, taches de rousseurs et incisives en avant, je suis la parfaite caricature des jeunes adolescents.

Lucky Luke
Jolly Jumper
Joe Dalton
Billy the Kid
Calamity Jane
Roy Bean
Buffalo Bill
Jesse James
Sarah Bernhardt
Wyatt Earp
Abraham Lincoln
Edwin Drake
Mark Twain
Allan Pinkerton

15 questions
154 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : bd jeunesse , bande dessinée , bande dessinée humour , western , western humoristique , bd franco-belge , personnages , Personnages fictifsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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