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EAN : 9781855325869
64 pages
Osprey Men-at-Arms series (01/01/1900)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The 3rd to the 6th centuries saw the collapse of the classical Mediterranean civilization and the emergence of new states in western Europe based on the Germanic warrior society. This book focuses particularly on the men who made up the retinues of the Germanic warlords who carved kingdoms out of the carcass of the West Roman Empire. Although sources are scarce, Simon MacDowall constructs a convincing picture, using evidence from Roman historians, German archaeology... >Voir plus
Que lire après Germanic Warrior AD 236-568Voir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
There were a great many individual German tribes living beyond the Roman Empire at the start of this period, and they certainly did not think of themselves as one people.
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C'est la guerre !

Complétez le titre de cette pièce de Jean Giraudoux : La Guerre ... n'aura pas lieu

de Corée
de Troie
des sexes
des mondes

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