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EAN : 9780393316193
416 pages
W. W. Norton & Company (17/05/1997)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
"Richard Overy's bold book begins by throwing out the stock answers to this great question: Germany doomed itself to defeat by fighting a two-front war; the Allies won by sheer weight of material strength. In fact, by 1942 Germany controlled almost the entire resources of continental Europe and was poised to move into the Middle East. The Soviet Union had lost the heart of its industry, and the United States was not yet armed.

The Allied victory in 19... >Voir plus

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Vidéo de Richard Overy
Bande-annonce du livre de R. Overy sur la Bataille d'Angleterre
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Quizz Harry Potter pour pro en 15 questions

Quelle forme prend Poudlard aux yeux des moldus ?

Maison en ruine
une paire de bottes
Un château délabré
Ils ne peuvent pas la voir

15 questions
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