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EAN : 9781849902861
128 pages
BBC Books (02/02/2012)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
'No one from this time will ever see that girl again...'

The Doctor, Amy and Rory round off a sight-seeing tour round London with a trip to the theatre. That's when things start to go wrong.

The Doctor wonders why so many young girls are going missing from the area. When he sees Sammy Star's amazing magic act, he thinks he knows the answer. Sammy's glamorous assistant disappears at the climax of the act - but this is no stage trick.
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Que lire après Doctor Who: Magic of the AngelsVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
The image of an Angel itself becomes an Angel, she whispered, hardly daring to say the words out loud. So if a Weeping Angel is filmed and shown on TV...
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Qui a écrit 1984

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