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EAN : 9781839946585
240 pages
Nosy Crow Ltd (11/04/2024)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
A beautiful story of loss and belonging, all told through the eyes of a wild, affectionate, prickly fox who has a love of collecting shoes and not a small amount of magic. From the bestselling author of I, Cosmo.

Bee's family runs a lakeside inn, offering rest and sustenance to weary travellers. Bee's Nan has gone missing, possibly drowned, but Bee knows that can't be true. And so does the hungry fox that her grandmother was feeding. Shadow is cross t... >Voir plus

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Comment Bonnie et Finn se rencontrent-ils ?

au supermarché
Finn empêche Bonnie de sauter d'un pont
chez le père de Finn
au concert de Bonnie

5 questions
20 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : L'infini + un de Amy HarmonCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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