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EAN : 9781447237969
336 pages
Picador (26/01/2017)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
As read on BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week.

This is the generation that will change China. The youth, over 320 million of them in their teens and twenties, more than the population of the USA. Born after Mao, with no memory of Tiananmen, they are destined to transform both their nation and the world.

These millennials, offspring of the one-child policy, face fierce competition to succeed. Pressure starts young, and their road isn't easy. T... >Voir plus

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Antigone de Jean Anouilh

Qui sont les parents d'Antigone :

Jocaste et Oedipe
Créon et Jocaste
Créon et Eurydice
Hélène et Ménélas

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