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Critiques filtrées sur 4 étoiles  
J'adore ce roman. Je l'ai adoré adolescente, je l'aime toujours autant en tant qu'adulte. L'Irlande dans son carcan des années soixante, la vie rurale, l'école chez les religieuses et cette soif, cette soif ardente d'aller plus loin, plus haut ! L'histoire d'amour est à mes yeux secondaires, Benny, Eve et Niamh nous racontent d'abord une histoire d'amitié. La première, un peu balourde, fille unique de parents qui placent tous leurs espoirs dans son mariage avec le commis de son père ; la seconde, orpheline élevée par les soeurs ; la troisième, issue d'une famille sans le sou, dévorée d'ambition... le cercle des amis nous relate l'éclatement du carcan, la libéralisation de la jeunesse dans un pays où le joug de la religion les a longtemps écrasés. Des personnages extrêmement attachants dans un pays proprement fascinant.
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Désolée, mais j'ai lu le bouquin en anglais et j'ai la flemme de traduire, d'autant qu'il y a du monde chez moi ces temps-ci, traduction tranquille impossible. Voici donc le copier/coller de ma chronique sur Goodreads :

I loved reading this book, that began with how the two main characters, Benny and Eve, met when they were about ten. Loved it but not adored it, it was a bit long, you see, almost 600 pages. The story, heartwarming as it was, could have been a wee little shorter. Or maybe it's just that I want to finish #TheIrishReadathon in time - I don't deal well with pressure even when I chose, that's how weird I am. (Though the last books I wanted to read for it are on my desk at the library, a place I'm almost beginning to forget !)

Anyway it was a lovely story, I loved Benny and her big heart, with a personality that is beginning to build when she tries to get out of the reach of her parents. I loved Eve and her temper ! I also absolutely adored the witty banter between Eve and Aidan :
"When are you going to stop fighting this hopeless physical passion you have for me and succumb. Allow yourself to have your way with me."
"Wouldn't you drop dead if I said I would ?"
"I'd recover pretty quickly, I tell you."
"Well, it mightn't happen for a while. The succumbing bit I mean. A good while."
"That's the trouble about being brought up by nuns. I might have to wait forever."
"They weren't nearly as bad as everyone says."
"When are you going to take me to meet them ?"
"Don't be ridiculous."
"Why not ? I took you to meet my family."
"You didn't. They just happened to be there."
"You didn't arrange for your nuns to rent motorbikes and roar up to the party. I think that was socially inept of you", Aidan said.
"They couldn't make it," Eve explained. "Friday's their poker night and they just won't change for anyone."

I didn't like Jack, even if I could understand the appeal of this handsome, charming guy. And I never liked Nan even if I felt sorry at one point, tired as she was being so young because she tried to achieve her (and her mother's) life plan.
The group of friends was lively, the characters were good, so was the story, I laughed and cried - I just wish it was a little shorter.

"Are there women after you in College ?" Aengus asked Jack Foley.
"I never looked." Jack wasn't concentrating.
"You'd know. They'd be breathing heavily," Aengus explained.
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Qui est Saint-Patrick?

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