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EAN : 9781578636303
336 pages
RED WHEEL/WEISER (25/09/2018)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Here is the first contemporary guide to the transformative powers of essential oils for use in spellcraft and the cultivation of ritual power. From rose-scented rosaries to the lingering aroma of frankincense, and the cleansing energy of white sage, Amy Blackthorn-- the woman behind Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends --will take you on a journey beyond the soothing, healing power of scents into their hidden realms and their use in prayer, meditation, and shamanic journeying. ... >Voir plus

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Ecrivain et malade

Marcel Proust écrivit les derniers volumes de La Recherche dans une chambre obscurcie, tapissée de liège, au milieu des fumigations. Il souffrait

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