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EAN : 9780312945367
310 pages
St. Martin's Paperbacks (01/11/2008)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Dixie Hemingway has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The day she happens upon the dead body outside a fancy mansion is no different. She’s had her fill of homicide investigations, so she leaves the gate-keeper’s corpse to be found by somebody else. Unfortunately, that somebody else sees Dixie leaving the scene of the crime, and the fatal bullet might have even come from her own gun! To make matters worse, the owner of the mansion is Dixie’s ne... >Voir plus
Que lire après Even cat sitters get the bluesVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce roman est le 3e de la série "A Dixie Hemingway Mystery", qui raconte les aventures d'une gardienne d'animaux de compagnie de la Floride. L'intrigue est, comme toujours, particulièrement originale et imprévisible; pourtant, on y croit. le texte est bien ficelé, et les réflexions du personnage central sont à la fois drôles et intelligentes. Bref, une lecture qui est légère sans être superficielle.
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Citations et extraits (10) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
I suppose the conflict is the energy that keeps the universe together, but couldn't it be conflict of man against hunger, man against disease, man against ignorance, man against despair, instead of man against man?
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It wasn't a matter of forgiveness, I just decided to stop reliving it every day. Every time I remembered it, I felt the same pain and anger all over again. So I let it go. It's done, over, in the past. If I go around resenting it, I keep it in the present.
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That's the neat thing about kids. They don't really care about their pets' official names, and they don't think it's weird that a grown woman would want to hold a bit of fluffy kitten just for the pure pleasure of it.
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Adults try to protect children from the realities of death, even though children usually handle it as if it were no more mysterious than any of the other realities they're learning about.
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There's something about laying things out so they all face the same way or lining them up in alphabetical order that makes super-organized people feel better.
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