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Citations sur All Saints High, tome 1 : Dirty devil (34)

I think Shakespeare got it right. When two people try to go against the grain, they get fucked up. End of story.
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You're tearing confessions from my mouth, reactions from my flesh, fights from my fists, blood from my heart with your eyes alone. Sometimes I want to break the wall I built between us, let you in and watch you destroy me.
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The sun is a lot like hate. Beautiful and lethal and essential for our survival. It can blind you, but it also keeps you going. Hate motivates much more than love.
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Diplomacy is the best weapon and killing people with kindness leaves no evidence or legal consequences behind.
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    L'érotisme en littérature

    Lequel de ces romans de Diderot, publié anonymement, est un roman libertin ?

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    6 questions
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    Thèmes : littérature libertine , érotisme , érotiqueCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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