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I Want to be a Wall tome 1 sur 1
EAN : 9781975338961
144 pages
KADOKAWA (17/05/2022)
3.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Any love story aficionado will say that the key to a successful couple is intense desire for one another—but what if the characters in question are an asexual woman with a passion for Boys Love stories and a gay man whose heart forever belongs to his oblivious childhood friend? Although romance will never be in the cards for newlyweds Yuriko and Gakurouta, the bond blossoming between them promises to be a wonderful relationship—the likes of which neither has ever ex... >Voir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (2) Ajouter une critique
Ok, just to be exact, Yuriko identifies herself as asexual in this manga, but she's really aromantic AND asexual. Not sure if the problem is the translation or that the author doesn't know the difference. (You can still fall in love and be in a couple whilst being asexual)

That said, I've really liked this first volume. The aroace representation is very refreshing, and we see clearly all the social pressure and expectation that burden aroace people's lifes. I found Gakurouta's character less realistic (ok, he's gay and in love with his straight best friend, but surely he could eventually fall in love with someone else?) but I still fell under his charm, he's undoubtedly extra cute.
Ultimately I just like the fact that two people who thought they would live alone forever decide to be each other's person, support and listen to each other. It really warmed my little heart and I'm very eager to discover the next volume!
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C'est toujours un plaisir de lire une oeuvre de fiction avec de la représentation queer, et plus encore lorsqu'il s'agit de personnages asexuels et/ou aromantiques, qu'on croise trop rarement. J'ai trouvé l'histoire mignonne sans avoir de coup de coeur, mais je lirai la suite avec curiosité !
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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