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Love Clichés tome 3 sur 6
EAN : 9798711117131
354 pages
Auto édition (18/02/2021)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
(Love Clichés book 3)

What happens when the man I love to hate becomes the man I must pretend to love?

I can’t seem to escape Thayden Walker and his infuriating charm.

Even his mother and his Great Dane seem bent on playing matchmaker.

But I’m totally immune.

Until I'm presented with an offer that puts my ability to withstand him to the test.

If I marry Thayden, all my student ... >Voir plus
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I want to know what her eyes look like under different kinds of light. I have a sudden urge to order every kind of light bulb on Amazon just to see the blue of her eyes in them. Then I could make a spreadsheet to name each shade of blue, correlating them with the various wattage and brand. Not that I’m obsessive or anything. I happen to like spreadsheets. And Delilah’s eyes.
In the sunlight, while wearing a wedding dress and holding my hand, her eyes are the most brilliant blue of all.
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