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EAN : 978B0092G8HHQ
Rupa & Co (30/04/2010)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In If God Was A Banker, the story revolves around two management graduates in the rat race for success. Sundeep is ambitious and selfish, which leads him to achieve his goals through unscrupulous means. Swami is the exact opposite as he sticks to his morals and ethics to ensure success in his career. Swami's ideal and ethics keeps him behind Sundeep in terms of performance at the New York International Bank where they both work. Sundeep's rapid rise up the corporat... >Voir plus

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La Tresse

Quel est le nom de la femme indienne qui est une intouchable ?


15 questions
206 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : La tresse de Laetitia ColombaniCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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