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Me.Mimo (Autre) Furifuricchin (Autre)
EAN : 9781638589327
396 pages
Seven Seas (14/03/2023)
4.12/5   4 notes
Résumé :
Yan Wushi, leader of the demonic Huanyue sect, is a master cultivator, a brilliant strategist, and an incurable cynic. In his philosophy, every human heart is ruled by cruelty and selfishness. Anyone who believes otherwise is either a liar or a fool.

Enter the humble Shen Qiao, leader of the Daoist sect at Xuandu Mountain. He is both gracious and charitable, and exactly the type of do-gooder that Yan Wushi despises.

When Shen Qiao suffe... >Voir plus
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Jane Austen

En quel année fut publié son premier roman: "Sense and Sensibility"?


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