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EAN : 9781782117933
Canongate (01/03/2016)
4.5/5   3 notes
Résumé :
The Sick Bag Song chronicles Cave's journey with his band the Bad Seeds on a twenty-two-day, North American tour. It is a highly personal account that blends memories, musings, poetry, lyrics, flights of fancy and road journal. Drawing inspiration from Leonard Cohen, John Berryman, Patti Smith, Sharon Olds, folk ballads and ancient texts, THE SICK BAG SONG takes the form of an epic quest, turning over questions of inspiration, creativity, loss, death and romantic lo... >Voir plus
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The boy will grow older, and over time there will be other songs - not many- ten or twenty in a lifespan, that stand apart from the rest of the music he will discover. He will realise as he grows older still, and crosses the Canadian border and drives down into Seattle, that not only are these songs holy or sacred, they are hinding songs - what the Aztec indians call carrion songs - that deal exclusively in darkness, obfuscation, concealment and secrecy. He will realise that, for him, the purpose of these songs has been to shut off the sun, to draw a long shadow down and protect him from the corrosive glare of the world.
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Sébastien Ménestrier présente son nouveau roman "Où la chanson va", en librairie dès le 7 avril 2023.
Neuf histoires écrites à partir de la musique, des chansons, de ce qu'elles peuvent raconter. Suivre Bashung, Amy Winehouse, Bartók, Brahms, Gershwin, Nina Simone, Babx, Thom Yorke, Nick Cave. Neuf histoires pour affronter le danger, neuf histoires pour s'en tirer
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