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EAN : 9781501111105
352 pages
Scribner (03/05/2016)
4.2/5   5 notes
Résumé :
Drawing on her own powerful story as the daughter of a scientist who frequently noted her lack of “genius,” Duckworth, now a celebrated researcher and professor, describes her early eye-opening stints in teaching, business consulting, and neuroscience, which led to the hypothesis that what really drives success is not “genius” but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance.

In Grit, she takes readers into the field to visit cadets stru... >Voir plus
Que lire après Grit: The Power of Passion and PerseveranceVoir plus

autres livres classés : psychologieVoir plus

Lecteurs (9) Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Freud et les autres...

Combien y a-t-il de leçons sur la psychanalyse selon Freud ?


10 questions
438 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : psychologie , psychanalyse , sciences humainesCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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