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Angel & Faith - Saison 9 tome 1 sur 3

Rebekah Isaacs (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781616557126
280 pages
Dark Horse (24/03/2015)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The supernatural world is reeling after the loss of magic in Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8. The death of Buffy's mentor, Giles, at Angel's (possessed) hand has the vampire with a soul looking for a way to make amends. He's going to bring the Watcher back from the grave! Faith, rebel Slayer, is helping Angel with his quest, if only to keep him from going too far. But there's more keeping this duo sword ready: a set of demon twins, Angel's former guide Whistler, F... >Voir plus
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Angel: I told them if they followed me, they'd ... achieve their destiny. That's what I was doing. Bringing the bad guys together. Focusing them. Manipulating them. So Buffy could survive, stay strong, and do what she had to.
Faith: Y'Know what? Your whole Twilight phase makes as much sense as a David Lynch movie.
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Faith : Jenny Calendar ? Celle que tu... enfin, qu'Angelus...
Angel : Oui. J'ai tué la femme qu'il aimait. Il m'a pardonné. Et il en a payé le prix.
Faith : Angel...
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