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EAN : 9780241637975
150 pages
Penguin Classics (01/01/2023)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
'Fantastic. The benchmark for great food writing' Anthony Bourdain'The primary requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite'Between Meals is the gourmand and journalist A.J. Liebling's delectable account of his time spent eating and drinking in 1920s Paris, under the tutelage of his friend Yves Mirande, 'one of the last of the great around-the-clock gastronomes of France'. With gluttonous joie de vivre, he fondly recalls everything from glorious dining (... >Voir plus
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I can't remember who told me to read Between Meals: An Appetite for Paris. Whoever it was - thank you. I did not know A.J. Liebling, but I wish I had. If Evelyn Waugh had written about food and Paris (perhaps he did) I imagine it would be something along the lines of Liebling's book. Small wonder Anthony Bourdain also loved it. There a more fabulous quotes in this book than one would find during an evening with Churchill. If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I wouldn't mind returning as A.J. Liebling.
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