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EAN : 9780593441503
336 pages
Berkley Books (22/11/2022)
3.8/5   5 notes
Résumé :
Opposites become allies to fool their matchmaking friends in this swoony reimagining of Shakespeare’s beloved comedy, Much Ado About Nothing.

Jamie Westenberg and Bea Wilmot have nothing in common except a meet-disaster and the mutual understanding that they couldn't be more wrong for each other. But when the people closest to them play Cupid and trick them into going on a date, Jamie and Bea realize they have something else in common after all—an und... >Voir plus
Que lire après Two Wrongs Make a RightVoir plus
Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
'It means a lot that you didn’t act like you see me differently now.'
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear as the wind whips it across my face. 'I don’t see you differently. I see you better.'
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Wrong is right and right is wrong.
I foresee war—merry or misery, brief or long?
A mountain looms built on deception.
Surmount it and then learn your lesson.
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'I don’t know how lovely having my head in the clouds is when it means I trip while walking.'
'That’s why I’m here,' he says. 'To catch you. […]'
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Orgueil et ..., de Jane Austen ?


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