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EAN : 9781368104500
368 pages
Disney Hyperion (08/10/2024)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Sally has mostly loved her creepy hometown of Halloween Town. But lately, she can't help but want something more. In a place full of the frightening, you'd think living in the shadows wouldn't feel so . . . isolating. She knows she could do so much more if she wasn't always stuck in the lab of her creator, Dr. Finkelstein. Soon Sally is surprised to learn that the Pumpkin King, Jack, is longing for a change of his own. Determined to find a solution for them both, Sa... >Voir plus
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Où vit Abo?

à la plage
à la montagne
à la campagne

10 questions
4 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Abo, le minable homme des neiges de Agnès DesartheCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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