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Citations sur Beauty and the devil (3)

J'ai passé un pacte avec un démon. Même quand je ne serai plus de ce monde... on ne se séparera jamais.
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Growth: Nails grow from the matrix, which is the area of the nail bed located beneath the cuticle. As new cells are produced, they push the existing nail forward, causing it to grow. The average rate of nail growth is about 3 to 4 millimeters per month. gray dip powder nailsGrowth: Nails grow from the matrix, which is the area of the nail bed located beneath the cuticle. As new cells are produced, they push the existing nail forward, causing it to grow. The average rate of nail growth is about 3 to 4 millimeters per month. gray dip powder nails
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"Je veux tout de toi. Ta vie. Tes lèvres. Tout ton corps." # Charles
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    Lecteurs (52) Voir plus

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    Le manga en quelques mots (facile)

    Quel est le pays d'origine du manga ?

    La Chine
    Le Laos
    Le Vietnam
    Le Japon

    5 questions
    1462 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thèmes : manga , mangakaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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