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EAN : 9780714848747
812 pages
Phaidon (21/11/2008)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Phaidon's atlas is a comprehensive portrayal of the finest built architecture from around the world completed since the year 2000. In addition, each of the six world regions is introduced by an in-depth look at its unique urban and architectural issues.
Que lire après The Phaidon atlas of 21st century world architectureVoir plus

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Vidéo de  Phaidon
Artist Cecily Brown and Courtney J. Martin, Director of the Yale Center for British Art, are in conversation with 192 Books and Paula Cooper Gallery. This virtual event is presented on the occasion of Brown's one-person exhibition at the gallery—recently extended through December 12—and the publication of the artist's first major monograph by Phaidon Press—for which Martin contributed an in-depth interview with the artist.
autres livres classés : arts décoratifsVoir plus
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